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- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note: The following is a transcript of a phone conversation between
- Tom Mickus and Dr. Eric Walker which took place at approximately
- 10:30am on the morning of August 11, 1989. One word of caution,
- a transcript of course is not the same as hearing it first-hand.
- Tone and emphases of speech are not reproduced here, nor are
- things such as pauses between responses recorded. Therefore
- those who read the following should be aware of such deficiencies
- before coming to any conclusions.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <SECRETARY> "Good morning, Dr. Walker's office."
- <MICKUS> "Yes, would Dr. Walker be in?"
- <SECRETARY> "Yes he is, may I tell him who's calling?"
- <MICKUS> "Yes, this is Tom Mickus phoning, I called yesterday."
- <SECRETARY> "Tom Mickus?"
- <MICKUS> "Yes."
- <SECRETARY> "Okay, and what company are you with please?"
- <MICKUS> "Actually I'm a university student."
- <SECRETARY> "Okay, just a minute please."
- <MICKUS> "Thank you."
- (20 second pause)
- <WALKER> "Hello?"
- <MICKUS> "Hello, Mr. Walker?"
- <WALKER> "Yep."
- <MICKUS> "Yeah, my name is, allow me to introduce myself, my name is
- Tom Mickus, I'm a university student here in Toronto, at the
- University of Toronto.
- <WALKER> "Yep."
- <MICKUS> "And I'm phoning from Toronto right now. I'm also a reporter
- with a computer BBS network. And just recently, actually two
- days ago, we came into possession of a just released
- research paper. It was put out by researchers Grant Cameron
- and T. Scott Crain. You may be familiar with them? The
- subject matter is quite controversial. The report itself is
- 180 pages and approximately 80 pages deal with yourself and
- some of the reputed statements that you've made, etc. And
- I'm just wondering if you'd be interested in making a comment
- about the veracity of some of those statements.
- <WALKER> "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."
- <MICKUS> "Okay, well..."
- <WALKER> "Tell me a little bit more."
- <MICKUS> "Yeah, do you remember corresponding with someone by the
- name of William Steinman?"
- <WALKER> "No."
- <MICKUS> "...from California."
- <WALKER> "No."
- <MICKUS> "Or Scott Crain, he supposedly lives close to you there in
- Pennsylvania?"
- <WALKER> "You know, I know nothing about this. I'm... Have you got
- the right Walker, that's the problem <slight laugh>.
- <MICKUS> "Well, you're the former President of Penn State University?"
- <WALKER> "That's correct."
- <MICKUS> "Yes, and you do have a very distinguished background I might
- say, just from some of the material thats been released. So, I
- guess assuming this is the right Walker, apparently you've
- admitted to in the past when dealing with some of these
- gentlemen, if you maybe forget them (now), about attending
- Research & Development Board meetings in the early 50's,
- back when you were a dollar-a-year man. Is that substantially
- correct?
- <WALKER> "Well I, huh <slight laugh>, the early 50's you know is many
- years ago and I attended a lot of meetings. Which one was
- this supposed to be?
- <MICKUS> "I believe this was centered at the Wright-Patterson.
- Apparently it was to deal with, sensational as it is, crashed
- flying vehicles of some sort, UFOs if you want to say that.
- And, like I say, I know its many years ago, but apparently
- in a phone conversation with William Steinman, he has it down
- that you admitted attending some of those meetings. Indeed,
- it was the late Robert Sarbacher actually pointed you out as
- the person who attended all of those meetings. Now I know
- that's some 40 yrs ago now. Did you have any comment on that?
- <WALKER> "(garbled)...well I did attend a lot of meetings, but I can't
- remember any substantive conclusions or anything like that.
- <MICKUS> "Right, and as far as what was discussed there?"
- <WALKER> "As far as the what?"
- <MICKUS> "What was discussed, the topic, the subject matter of those
- meetings?"
- <WALKER> "No, I couldn't remember that at all."
- <MICKUS> "But, you're saying that it had nothing to do with UFOs or
- alien bodies, or anything like this?"
- <WALKER> "Well I don't have any alien bodies in my office, I can tell
- you that."
- <MICKUS> "Well, its quite extraordinary that this paper has come out,
- right now its in limited circulation and due to the computer
- network that I'm associated with, I've managed to obtain a
- copy. And, like I say, approximately 80 pages deals with
- material centered around yourself..."
- <WALKER> "Hmm."
- <MICKUS> "...and, I'm just interested if you'd be interested in seeing
- some of this, if I could come down and meet you for instance?
- And you could see some of this stuff first-hand, and comment
- on it."
- <WALKER> "Well, I don't think that would be very useful; you might
- want to send it to me, and I'll see if it reminds me of
- anything."
- <MICKUS> "Un huh. I guess being, ..from my own disposition here with
- the Network and stuff, I'd be interested in trying to get a
- reaction about some of this because..if these authors have
- engaged in a bit of a fantasy, well then I would like to
- expose that."
- <WALKER> "What's the Network, I don't understand."
- <MICKUS> "Its a fairly modest undertaking, but its a group of Bulletin
- Board Systems linked up here in Canada and in the United
- States, and that's something which I run, and this subject
- matter is one of the things we primarily discuss. And so,
- that's why I'd take the time to talk with you, and come visit
- you if you wouldn't mind, and get a more in-depth response.
- <WALKER> "Well, you know <slight laugh>, this sounds to me like an
- awful waste of time and...if people want to diddle around
- that way, I say let them diddle, but don't involve me."
- <MICKUS> "Right..."
- <WALKER> "I just don't have time for such crap."
- <MICKUS> "Now, just the fact that they spent so much time in this
- paper...like I say, the paper is 180 pages, the title is
- 'UFOs, MJ-12 AND THE GOVERNMENT', and...I mean would you
- have any reaction as to why they would place you in that
- context?"
- <WALKER> "Well I'll tell ya, I'll get interested when I see one of
- of those little green men they talk about. Until they do,
- I just couldn't spend any time on it."
- <MICKUS> "So, therefore you deny ever having any relationship whatsoever
- in your earlier government dealings with the discussion of UFOs
- or alien bodies, anything like that, you deny that was part of
- the Research & Development Board meetings and subsequent
- activities that you may have been involved with?"
- <WALKER> "<slight laugh> You know, you're just wasting your time and
- money, and I'm sorry but I've got other things to do."
- <MICKUS> "Okay, but if I could just get an on the record comment,
- response from you on that, because I don't know, I think you
- may be hearing more about this because if this thing gets
- in wide circulation you may have other people knocking on
- your door trying to get a reaction."
- <WALKER> "I don't have any reaction, I'm sorry."
- <MICKUS> "Do you deny it?"
- <WALKER> "Thank you."
- <MICKUS> "Mr. Walker..."
- <click>